Making creativity a priority

“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”

Toni Morrison

For the last few years, I’ve had a ‘always the bridesmaid, never the bride’ mentality where my own writing is concerned. Partly, this is due to a combination of domestic complications and the need to be taking on a lot of editing work. By the time the evening comes, I’m either still stuck in editing/proofing mode – which is not good for creativity at all – or I’m knackered.

I saw the Toni Morrison quote a few weeks ago. There are two books that need to come out of my head and appear on the paper if only to stop my mind from doing laps at two in the morning, when I should be resting. My characters are becoming increasingly real to me, and I need them to be doing what they need to be doing rather than constantly imagining them doing it.

It’s not very often that inspirational quotes have any kind of impact on me whatsoever, but there has been a little bit of a shift in my mindset since I clapped eyes on it. Given that I work for myself and can edit at any time of day, why not get more writing done in the daytime, while my inner Oscar Wilde is actually up and about, sipping coffee? There something very deeply engrained into the psyche about the importance of the 9-5 ritual, which can leave us feeling ‘less’ if we don’t keep to those hours, whatever job we’re doing, and wherever we happen to work.

Okay, so I am releasing myself from that particular work pattern. Let’s see if it makes a difference in my creative productivity.

Have you been creatively jammed by your work patterns? Is there anything you can change to give yourself (and your characters) room to breathe?)

We’re up and running!


Welcome to the revamped, refreshed and rehomed Bowler Fern Editorial website.

So, what’s new?

I’ve taken advantage of a relatively fallow period between fictional editing contracts to work on my skill sets in a number of areas. Those relevant to this blog are:

  1. that I am now an advanced user of Word
  2. that I’m getting to grips with website management and maintenance (without acquiring excess grey hair)

But mainly, I am now the owner of two shiny charter marks for editing and proofing from the College of Media and Journalism. I’ve actually been editing in a voluntary and paid capacity for fifteen years, doing some ghostwriting along the way, but it’s nice to see that experience ratified with a big rubber stamp of approval from an education service with a ruthlessly precise testing scheme.

With the qualification to back up the experience, I’m branching out beyond fiction editing very soon, which is just one of many reasons that I wanted to give the website and business a little bit of an overhaul.

So, over the coming months, you’ll see additions to this site, resource material being uploaded, and the occasional blog featuring varied technical software tips as well as writing articles.

It won’t be a rapid process, however. It was only last month that I wouldn’t have recognised a widget if it had slapped me around the face. But at least we’re up and running now. I’m looking forward to making this little site a welcoming place for writing friends to get in touch and for my fellow editing fiends to touch base and maybe share resources and referrals (should they so wish).

Until next time, may your universe expand pleasantly 😊

Coming soon…

Information and pricing schedules for commercial and academic proofing and editing.